moral values
Good moral values and principles are what build and sustain a good and stable society. Basing our constitution and thus our policies governing society on the seven primary values listed at the start of this document will ensure that South Africa will take its place as a nation of substance among the great nations in history. Using these values as a foundation to promote the rights and responsibilities of the citizens as listed above, and the guiding moral values and principles listed below will ensure a high quality of leadership, governance and life for us all.
4.1. Adaptability
Self-governance leads to adaptability which cultivates calmness, patience, endurance, and creativity.
4.2. Belief, Conscience, and the Rule of Law
Integrity leads to honesty, valuing the beliefs and personal consciences of the individual, subject to the nation’s laws, and adherence to the rule of law.
4.3. Care
Care is an outworking of love: it means honour and respect towards authority, and compassion, kindness, loyalty, and respect towards one another, with the willingness to help towards our own and others’ physical, financial, and social health, and welfare and property, irrespective of race, gender, beliefs, or culture.
4.4. Character (Integrity and Competence)
Character comes from integrity and is developed through courage (endurance) and wisdom. It leads to purposefulness in people whose passionate commitment to personal and collective competence and upliftment, brings about private and public administrative efficiency, effectiveness of systems and service delivery to all citizens through work ethics and professional practices for optimal competitiveness and personal fulfilment.
4.5. Common Good
Love and justice promote the common good above personal aspirations. We will then be willing to promote the wellbeing of the community and to work together with other members for the greater benefit of all.
4.6. Contentment
Self-governance also helps us to be satisfied and contented with what we have, and to resist greed.
4.7. Co-operation
Integrity (being whole and integrated) helps us work and act together towards shared goals, which brings unity and cohesion.
4.8. Courage
This means having perseverance in the face of adversity, and the inner strength, boldness, determination, and decisiveness to do what is right in the face of difficulty or temptation. It means to consistently and confidently act and stand for values, principles, and ethics in in the face of opposition.
4.9. Creativity and Resourcefulness
Wisdom promotes creative thinking, being solution-minded, generating new ideas and resources, and builds a strong shared economy.
4.10. Determination and Commitment
Not giving up and staying committed to see something through that is worthwhile is part of diligence.
4.11. Dignity
Love means protecting the dignity of individuals, minority groups, and majority groups and treating them with appreciation, respect, reverence, and even-handedness on the basis that all human beings are born equal. We all deserve to be free from bias, exploitation, oppression, or any form of discrimination, victimisation, or prejudice.
4.12. Diligence and Punctuality
Diligence means performing responsibilities and duties properly, thoroughly, professionally, competently, and timeously with discipline and concentration.
4.13. Discipline
Self-governance leads to discipline: the consistent application to systematic instructions or tasks, or following a particular code of conduct or order. It also makes us faithful in our lives to people, tasks, communities, employers, and our country.
4.14. Faith
Love leads us to trusting and believing in one another and helping build the hope of citizens who want to achieve their aspirations.
4.15. Forgiveness
When we are willing to lay aside grievances, resentment, indignation, and/or anger, for the sake of unity while recognising the need of justice, we set ourselves and our offenders free.
4.16. Humility
Self-governance and wisdom enable us to recognise with empathy the God-given dignity, uniqueness, and value in others and humbly and productively serve them.
4.17. Integrity
Integration. Wholeness. Consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, character, expectations, and outcomes. Behaving ethically, and acting in keeping with our words. In ethics, integrity is regarded as transparency, honesty, truthfulness, trustworthiness, and accuracy of one’s actions. It is acting in keeping with one’s conscience with respect to responsibilities, and stewardship of property (own and others’, internal and external).
4.18. Kindness
Love promotes kindness and caring for each other marked by good and charitable behaviour.
4.19. Loyalty
When we truly love our nation, we are loyal to it and all its peoples.
4.20. Morality
When we adhere to the values of self-governance and integrity, we are able to avoid wrong behaviour and we protect the life, liberty, well-being, and property of others.
4.21. Obedience
Diligence and self-governance enables us to honour rules, values, and principles, and be eager to carry out legitimate orders or instructions for the good of all.
4.22. Peace
Prosperity in matters of social or economic welfare, justice, and a working political order that serves the true interests of all, will give our nation safety and security,.
4.23. Professionalism
Diligence will ensure the possession of all knowledge required to make the right decisions in any and every situation, and will build good judgement, thoroughness, and excellence.
4.24. Rebuilding
Diligence, justice, and courage will lead to our being able to understand, respect, embrace, and harness our diversity, and restore the South African dream.
4.25. Respect
Love and justice will enable us to respect and value one another irrespective of social origin, race, gender, belief, age, status, and class, which will promote peace, friendship, gentleness, tolerance and national unity among cultural, religious and linguistic communities. When we are able to respect authority without idolising leaders, we promote freedom across all people.
4.26. Self-governance
This means direction, regulation, control, and restraint with respect to one’s will, desires, character, thoughts, ideas, motives, convictions, and attitudes, in keeping with one’s conscience. Outcomes of self-governance are patience, purity, and selflessness. Increased self-governance among us helps us to be selfless, patient, and moral and reduces the need of law enforcement. Leaders who govern themselves can serve others effectively.
4.27. Wisdom
The correct application of knowledge, and the ability to discern and make good judgements on what is true and right, brings peace, harmony, and prosperity to all.